Currituck 4-H Shines at State Horse Show

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4-H Horse Show participants holding Currituck 4-H sign

The North Carolina State 4-H Horse Show, held at the JB Hunt Horse Complex in Raleigh, was a spectacle of skill, determination, and artistic talent. This year, Currituck County’s 4-H members made an impressive mark on the event.

Meet Our Equestrian Stars: Amber Jones, Sophie Haislop, Isabell Cox, Dakota Kovacs, Cayden Lowe, Easton Meads, Olivia Green, and Karleigh Meads represented Currituck with flying colors. Each participant clinched a spot in the top ten across all their events, with several taking top honors in their divisions.

  • Cayden Lowe: Champion in the Senior Western Division
  • Sophie Haislop: Champion in the Junior Western Division
  • Karleigh Meads: Champion in the Little Britches Division

Artistic Brilliance: The Show wasn’t just about riding – it also celebrated creativity through horse-related artistic expression. Currituck’s young artists shone brightly here as well:

  • Isabel Cox: 2nd place in poetry
  • Johnny Cox: Top 10 in crafts
  • Easton Meads: Top 10 in crafts
  • Karleigh Meads: 1st place in poster and top 10 in crafts

These achievements underscore the diverse talents and dedication of our 4-H members, who excel not only in the arena but also in artistic endeavors.

Join the Excitement: For more details about the show or to learn how to obtain an eligibility card, reach out to Tom Harrell at 252-232-2262 or via email at Congratulations to all our winners! Your hard work and dedication have made Currituck proud.