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OfflineEventAttendanceMode 5 months ago

4-H Shooting Sports leadership is committed to doing our part to reduce the misuse of firearms in violence and suicide. Following the example of NSSF’s partnership with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, 4-H is partnering with the American Foundation for Firearm Injury Reduction in Medicine (AFFIRM) and Dr. Megan Ranney at Brown University and Rhode Island Hospital to develop, implement, and study a new violence prevention curriculum for youth 12 and up that can be incorporated into existing shooting programs and implemented throughout your community.  This project is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; recruitment for the study is underway. 

Goals of “Guardians 4 Health” (G4H) curriculum and goals:

  • Praise kids for their active role in preventing accidents by anyone handling firearms;
  • Reinforce the importance of 4-H’s citizenship mandate;
  • Train youth to recognize signs that someone they know is at risk for suicide, might become violent, or is at risk for being a victim of violence;
  • Empower young people with a variety of skills they could safely use to reduce risk of harm (Example: seeking help from an adult);
  • Break down perceived barriers to taking action. (Example: Did you know directly asking someone if s/he is suicidal DOES NOT give them the idea? It shows the person you care about them, and helps them feel less alone.)
For additional information, contact Sherry Fischlschweiger at 252-232-2262, or
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